Re: [Evolution] Send mail via Evol from other apps

On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 02:56 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
hi hans,

Am Dienstag, den 16.05.2006, 17:33 +0200 schrieb Hans:
Ah, did the Tools -> Internet setting, new message now there, but no

the file is attached, but not shown by the UI.

this bug is valid in *all* evo 2.4.x versions including 2.4.2. the bug
is fixed since your distro vendor most likely has updated
packages available.


Thanks, yes there are updated packages for Evol available for SuSE10.0,
but from what I've read on this list there are some horrible Gnome deps
that I dont have time for now. (I would really like to have 2.6 running,
my exchange account calender is flipping over Evol about twice a day)

Thanks all
Got what I was looking for.

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