[Evolution] Exchange server takes too long ?

I've just finished compiling 2.6.2 on a SLES 9 machine and I'm having
trouble getting the exchange component to read my calendar.  The setup
has worked in the past, and currently does so on a different dapper
machine.  After firing evolution up, I see the exchange component
slogging thru many, many public folders, and, after a bit, the main
evolution process (?) pops up a window saying:

Error while Scanning folders in "Exchange server <foo>".
Lost connection to Evolution Exchange backend process

The exchange process slogs on for a couple minutes after this, but
appears to still be perfectly happy.  Unfortunately, the main process
seems to have given up at this point, so none of the exchange folders
are available.

Is this a timeout or something where evolution expects the exchange
query to only take a set period of time ? Can I increase the timeout ?
Is it something else ?

The last thing out of evolution-exchange-storage is:
207 Multi-Status
E2k-Debug: 0x552b20 @ 1153775100

        John A.

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