Re: [Evolution] languages doesn't show in spell checking window

hi joep,

Am Montag, den 03.07.2006, 22:27 +0200 schrieb J.L. Blom:
A small question. I just loaded another language module for aspell
(dutch) but it didn't show up in he spell checking window, Only English
(3 different tastes) is shown, I did a force-shutdown but no success.
What am I missing?
which version of aspell is installed and which version of aspell-nl did
you install?

note that the aspell-0.6* application is not compatible with aspell-0.5*
dictionaries. either upgrade your aspell dictionaries or downgrade your
aspell application.

you can also check gnome-enabled dictionaries by using the application
"gconf-editor". The gconf key "/GNOME/Spell/language" should contain a
space-separated list of the languages you have enabled (i.e. "en-US es"
for US english and spanish).


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