Re: [Evolution] Viewing Unread messages only

On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 23:56 -0500, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:00:08PM +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
I would like to have a view that will show Unread messages only. I'm
having difficulty doing this. Can anyone point me in the right

You can also choose View -> Hide Read Messages to accomplish this

ha ha, how simple :)  My method is more complicated (vfolders) however,
my vfolder isn't as simple as just showing unread messages.  I actually
have the following in my vfolder rules:

"Date sent" "is after" "2 days ago" or
"Status" "is not" "Read" or
"Label" "is" "Important"

This shortens my inbox with ~800 messages down to less than 20!  I also
have "Include threads - all related", so that I get replies and
originals that fall outside of the above criteria.

It's great!  Evolution is the only mail reader I know that lets you do
so much with vfolders.  Even thunderbird's search folders can't do as
well as this!

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

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        If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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