Re: [Evolution] Lost Mail

On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 16:47 -0700, koehn wrote:
Two issues:

1.  Something went very wrong with my evolution.
    It attempts to start but then puts up 
    "The Application "evolution" has quit unexpectedly.
    You can inform the devlopers of what happend to 
    help them fix it. Or you can restart the application
    right now."

    It will never start.  Lots of stuff lost from the past
    seven years.  Probably some sort of file corruption
    because tweeking the files in the .evolution directory
    sometimes allows it to work for a short time.
    Backups exist for configuration prior to failure but
    I have not yet installed them because I don't want to
    loose the 200 messages poped just before failure.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Other info
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Maintenance Contract Just Expired (how surprising) and
    will not be renewed.  Gnome evolution-2.0 2.0.2 is the
    current distribution version.
rather old. current release is evolution-2.0.2-29
alternatively, you can switch to centos.

2.  Does anybody else find the search mechanism on the
    mailing list almost useless?  Surely other folks have
    this same problem but a search finds empty
    links or way-off topics. has a next to useless search, 
but it sometimes works magic for rhel related docs.


Bruce Koehn
Lowell Observatory
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

928 774 3358
Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list gnome org
Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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