Re: [Evolution] Leave messages on server for a time


I would really like to here an answer to Pavel's query.
On Sun, 2006-23-04 at 17:24 +0200, Pavel Mlcoch wrote:
I would like option for pop3 accounts. I have some small mailboxes and
when I use IMAP, they are soon full. Id like create pop3 registration
for downloading messages older than some days (etc. week) on one machine
and on another machine I can use only IMAP for new messages. In MS O. it
is implemented and its very usable. Is there any option like that?

My PoP3 cable supplier has a pretty good spam facility.  From time to
time I would like to leave mail on their server so that after I discover
a persistent a spammer that spamassisin is not catching I can go online
and register that mail as spam with them.

Followup not needed.  I don't want to steal Pavel's thread.

Regards Bill

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