Re: [Evolution] Exchange 2k3 Drafts/Sent Items not saving

Upgrade to the released version 2.6.0, this was fixed later in the 2.5.x
development tree.


On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 09:59 -0500, James Richardson wrote:
Hi All,

I'm using Evolution 2.5.2 connecting to an Exchange 2k3 server. The odd
thing is, whenever I close evolution down, my "Drafts" and "Sent Items"
folder options for the account go blank. 

I can manually set these and they work fine (I sent them to the "Drafts"
and "Sent Items" folders :P) but when I restart evolution they are blank

Is this a gconf key that isn't being wrote properly (and if so, where in
the gconf tree can I see/set it)?


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