Re: [Evolution] Small points about Evo 2.4 and exchange


On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:07 +0300, regatta wrote:

I'm using Evo with exchange since Ximian released connector as GPL,
any way here is some point maybe someone can help me or it can be
fixed in the next release :

6. if you move a message from exchange to local inbox , evo will
detect it as new mail and it will generate a D-Bus message about new
mail and also it will play the new mail   alarm (sound), this is also
if you send a message  , it will detect the Sent mail as new mail

It's because, the mail is moved from exchange store to local store
(different stores). So the message is appended to local store and
deleted from exchange store. But the backend code is such that, all
deleted mails are put in deleted items folder. 

This happens as an append to a mail folder at higher level. The new mail
notification happens whenever a mail is added to a folder by the

There's is a bug for it,

7. if you move a message from exchange to local, it will keep a copy
of it in the exchange "Deleted item"

As explained above. Same thing happens if you do the other way too.


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