[Evolution] Composer Word Wrap, Revisited

Now, before you all groan "oh no, not this topic again", let me explain
that yes, I know that you cannot change the upper column bound value at
which the Evolution composer wraps lines.  I've also gathered from the
list archives that it should be wrapping at column 72, and that value is

My problem however, is that lines are wrapping at column 55, as I'm sure
you can see is demonstrated by this message.  All previous installations
of Evolution I've used in the past (packaged bins as well as built from
source) have wrapped at column 72, which is perfectly reasonable. 55 is
way too soon.  I'm currently using Evolution 2.2.3, as is packaged by
Dropline Gnome 2.10.2.  Is this likely an issue with Evolution itself
(or a recent change that I can't find reference for), or with some other
component in Gnome that may be causing Evolution to behave this way?

Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide,

Dustin D. Trammell
Vulnerability Researcher
Sipera Systems Inc. http://www.sipera.com

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