Re: [Evolution] All done ... for now

Hi,  Michael,

Here I also want to thank you on behalf of the Sun Evolution team for your great help and support during the 3 years.
   Best wishes!
Not Zed wrote:

Hi all,

Well after 5 years and 10 months, i'm just about say ta-ta to full-time
Evolution development.  I probably have a few things to add to the
documentation, but right now my mind is drained of about all I can think
of, and a man is not a camel ...

Well, it's been an experience, from the exciting brand-new startup-days
of Ximian to working for a multinational corporation.  .com boom, bust,
visits all around the world, and working at home for years.  Varied
workmates, strange work hours.  Living breathing and sleeping code for
weeks on end.  Or not.

Probably came to quitting many times, or being sacked a few at that.
Had innumerable heated arguments and left people in no doubt about how i

Written 10s of thousands of lines of code, worked on 100s of thousands.
Commented on over 3500 bug reports, written thousands of emails, spent
years on IRC.

But time to move on, going to have a good break from anything formally
Evolution related, and maybe i'll get some spark back in the future -
but who knows - I prefer not to know right now.

Thanks to all who helped through the struggle, from workmates to
Evolution and GNOME fans, to bug reporters.  And best of luck going


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