Re: [Evolution] spell-checking

hi joep,

Am Dienstag, den 04.10.2005, 16:33 +0200 schrieb J.L. Blom:
Can anybody tell me why the spell-checking tab in composer preferences
doesn't show the tag for dutch. aspell is installed and I have the dutch
language module installed (and it works with aspell).

Make sure you have gnome-spell >= 1.0.x, aspell and aspell-XX (where XX
is your locale) installed. Evolution does not use myspell.
Then go to "Edit | Preferences | Composer Preferences | Spell Checking",
and enable the available languages.
You can also check gnome-enabled dictionaries by using gconf-editor. The
GConf key /GNOME/Spell/language should contain a space-separated list of
the languages you have enabled (i.e. en-US es for US english and Spain).
Also note that aspell-0.6* application is not compatible with
aspell-0.5* dictionaries.  Either upgrade your aspell dictionaries or
downgrade your aspell application, and the problem should go away.
If all these suggestions do not solve your spellchecking problems, you
could also try the hard way: Shut Evolution down by closing Evolution
and then using the command evolution --force-shutdown.
After that, remove the file $HOME/.gconf/GNOME/Spell/%gconf.xml so all
your spellchecking settings get deleted. The file gets recreated and
according to two user postings on the Evolution mailing list,
spellchecking worked again.

cheers & good luck,

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