[Evolution] prefer-plain plugin with 2.4

OK, I decided to stop whinging and try and do something about it :)

I downloaded some evolution plugins for evo 2.2 from our friendly folks
at debian: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/evolution-plugins

In there I found three files:


I copied these to /usr/lib/evolution/2.4/plugins/ and restarted

After the restart, I had a look in the edit menu > plugins table, and
indeed I saw "Prefer plain-text" was there and already selected.  At
this point I thought "It can't be that easy can it?".

Of course, I forgot I was a cynic for a short amount of time and
realised that I should have said "Where else can it break?".  I can't
remember exactly where the plain text option was in 2.2, but under edit
menu > preferences > mail preferences > HTML mail, I see a "Plain Text
Mode" heading with no options under it :(

Short of "use the source, Luke", does anyone have any suggestions as to
what I can do to try and get it working with evolution 2.4?

btw, I'm using gentoo, with evolution 2.4.1.

btw2, I understand that the prefer-plain plugin breaks other things, but
I'm happy with that.

Many thanks,
Iain Buchanan <iaindb netspace net au>

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