[Evolution] Re: evolution Digest, Vol 1, Issue 1862

If I am sending a note, depending on the name, if I start typing a name directly in the To: field it will lock up with the data manager sucking up 99% of my CPU.  After a long time it will finally return to normal.  I have learned to always use the drop down name list and pick from there.  The data manager REALLY has issues, it locks up when I try to sync with my palm too.  It kind of make the whole thing unusable.  I hope all this trouble is resolved when FC4 is released.  

I am running Evol 2.0.4 on Fedora Core 3.

   1. Re: Re: Evolution 2.2.2 freezes on adding a new
      contact/task/appointment (guenther)
email message attachment
On Sun, 2005-05-22 at 12:00 -0400, evolution-request lists ximian com wrote:
On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 07:58 +1200, Mark Carey wrote:
> On 5/13/05, JP Rosevear <jpr novell com> wrote:
> > Not really, the contact applet uses that gconf information as well.
> >
> > Getting a back trace of the hang is probably best.

Hmm, I wonder why I was added Cc here, JP. But now that I'm back from
one week of rowing training camp and living in a tent...

> Thank you very much for your reply, before I dash off to figure out
> how to get a back trace, I need to add the following.

For information on how to get the backtrace see this page:

You'll need to have a build with debugging enabled to produce useful
backtraces. Which you mentioned you already have. :)

Just some quick notes though, I don't know what could cause your issues.
Maybe the appropriate hackers could chime in here?

Anyway, if you got the backtraces please open bugs at bugzilla.gnome.org
and attach them.


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