Re: [Evolution] Evolution would crash if the title contains some patterns when sending or saving

On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 22:49 +0800, Hongzheng Wang wrote:

I'm using evolution 2.2.2 shipped by Debian Linux.  I found that
evolution would crash if the title of mail contains some specific
patterns when send or save it.  For example, the title
 `RE: ää åä' (there are chinese words here) would make evolution
crash, but the title
`RE: ääåä' (the space between the chinese sentence is removed) is OK. 
I have also tested other patterns and found some others would make it
crash too, for example, `RE:' follows only one chinese word.

The locale of mine is zh_CN.UTF-8.  And I have also tested
en_US.8859-1 and en_US.UTF-8.  The problem occured too.

Known issue, (already
fixed in cvs).

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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