Re: [Evolution] Problem with evo 1.4 and 2,0 - downloads multiple copies of mail

hi ramki,

Am Montag, den 14.03.2005, 19:06 -0800 schrieb Ramki Raman:
I had 1.4 working fine on mandrake 10.0. Today
however, it has started downloading multiple copies of
email. Any ideas on how to fix this.

depends. could just be that you got several copies in your mailbox,
could be that some UIDs weren't saved... there are many possible
to remove the duplicates, you could take a look into the archives at
use that script on your own risk, backups can save your day! ;-)

I had this problem with version 2.0 and so had
switched back to 1.4. 

switching back to 1.4 is a bad idea in my opinion.

by the way, there are a lot of reasons why a "remove duplicates" feature
in evolution would not work reliably, search the archives if you're


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