Re: [Evolution] full WebBased iCal support?

On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 11:16 -0700, Brauer, Joel (LLU) wrote:
      I have to use evolution because my company has exchange, and I haven't
found a descent alternative for accessing that resource.  That being
said, I am curious as to why there are so many features that are either
broken (gpilot sync creates multiple dups in todo list), or incomplete.

      My real curiosity is to wonder when I will be able to use the full
functionality of my web based shared calendar.  Evolution doesn't
support webdav authentication or webdavs, both of which are needed
features.  I am a programmer, but don't have any experience with
gtk2/gnome programming, but if someone wants to point me in the right
direction I am happy to hack in my free time.

If you are talking about writable web calendars, this is on the slate
for 2.4.  James Bowes is looking at it currently so you might want to
see where he is and if he can help you out.

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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