[Evolution] adding event to calendar problem

I use Evolution 1.4, from Debian testing package.
I encounter some problems to display an event in the calendar:

Whatever I do, the added event doesnot display on the calendar so that i
cannot have an "overview" of the day. I would like to display them so
that i can see how heavy will my day be ...

To add an appoitment, i do :

- I enter into the calendar
- New -> Appointment
- Fill the fields (Summary, Location, Date, Description)
- Set the date of the appointement
- (i dont have categories yet, so i dont touch to it)
- Dont touch either reminder or recurrence, because i dont need them

Then I save (click on save)
Then the window disapear, but nothing new displayed on the calendar ...
ugh !
What did I do wrong ? It's a fresh install of Evolution.
Thank you in advance for your help !
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