Re: [Evolution] Feature Idea:

Unfortunately it's probably going to have to wait for evo 3 or evo

When Evo releases its version 3 or 4, I guess cars will be flying :)

Well people could alway try opera M2 which tries to be cutting edge in terms of features.  I just abandoned 
using it myself because the stability was less that satisfactory and I missed important mail.

In terms of configuration, I too think evolution lacks options such as being able to allow image loading by 
user (yes for my wife, no for me), or moving around the order of mailboxes.  The japanese input too is bad 
though said to be fixed for 2.0.  Anyway, I appreciate a mail client that works reliably even if it comes at 
the developmental expense of fewer features.

Shawn <javajunkie koyuru com>

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