Re: [Evolution] list sorting order (messages, folders etc.) in 1.5

On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 09:33 +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
Is there a way of changing the default list sorting order in 1.5 so that
lists are sorted in a case-insensitive way? (probably a Gnome thing, but
is there a way to override it?)

For instance if I sort messages by sender, 'jxx' ends up miles away from
'Jxx' - and I don't have control over the sender names used for incoming
messages, of course :-)  (same is true of my contacts where I've used
the 'add to addressbook' unless I go changing case as necessary)

I'm sure evo 1.4 did case-insensitive sorts. (I also remember having
'inbox' rather than 'Inbox' in 1.4 but can't see a way to change that in

No big deal of course, just one of those little things that would be
nice to be able to control.

Its based on your locale.  If it doesn't look right, move countries!

The en_* locales appear to do this, en_AU.UTF-8 does anyway.

I'm actually of the opinion that Evo needs *way* more user-configurable
stuff in it to be honest - Gnome seems to be such a total mess (and core
behaviour changes with every release) that it reflects badly on Evo when
the user has no control over a lot of settings (any plans for a KDE
version of Evo? :)
You can't please everyone all of the time.



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Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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