Re: [Evolution] "Cleaning" calendar files

Hi, again

A Sex, 2004-11-19 às 16:52, Bob Haddleton escreveu:
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 16:45 +0000, Mário Filipe wrote:

Try the Action->Purge menu item.  It allows you to purge items older
than a specified number of days.

However, when I try to purge items more than 365 days old, it works for
a few minutes and then crashes.  I have a bug report open, but it's not
fixed yet.

Oops. I forgot to mention that I'm still using 1.4.6. So I guess that
Bob's suggestion only works for 2.x.

Thanks anyway Bob
        Mario Filipe 
        mjnf uevora pt 

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