[Evolution] Configuring Evolution 2.0 for LDAP lookups


I have been looking for some documentation/examples on how to setup
Evolution 2.0 (as shipped on Fedora Core 3) to use a remote LDAP server
for address completion. There is no documentation in the package. On
the internet, I can only find discussion/documents on how to set this
up for Evolution-1.4.

When I go to Tools->Settings->autocompletion, I cannot do
anything with the 'On LDAP Servers' option.

Now it seems there is an xml file called addresbook-sources.xml
that could provide the LDAP information. However none is shipped
with the package and there is no information as to how to write
such a file and where it should be. I have a fresh install of
fedora Core 3, as such there can be no migration from former setup.

My question is: How do you specify a LDAP server to Evolution 2.0?


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