Re: [Evolution] How Best to use Evolution?

On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 15:24 -0500, Neil B. Cohen wrote:
I've been using Evolution for quite some time now. I use IMAP and keep
most of my email on my server. Over time, I have created a number of
folders (on the server side) and use filters to move mail into those
folders. I'm curious to know if that is the 'best' way to use the
program tho - would I be better off (and I'm not exactly sure what I
mean by that :)) if I just left all the messages in my Inbox and created
VFolders to group messages (I have one folder for this mailing list, one
for Fedora Test messages, one for corporate email etc.). Is there any
reason for choosing one approach over the other?

For things like mailings and automated messages (like bugzilla
messages), I use physical folders (I recently converted to server-side
procmail filtering because it's easier to automatically process all
lists that way). That keeps my inbox relatively small, and is
essentially guaranteed to get things right.

For sender-based things (like, 'mail from Mom', 'mail from boss') I use
vFolders across all my physical folders.




NAME:   Neil B. Cohen (Cisco Systems Inc.)
PHONE:  703-484-1316
DOMAIN: nbc cisco com
* Murphy's Philosophy: Smile - tomorrow will be worse...    *
*                                                           *
* O'Tooles Commentary: Murphy was an optimist!              *

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Michael R Head <burner suppressingfire org>
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