[Evolution] evolution 1.4.5 + LDAP + TLS problem

Hi !

OS: Linux Fedora Core 1
Evolution: 1.4.5-7
OpenLDAP: 2.1.22-8

I have some problems trying to make Evolution works with my LDAP server,
whenever I enable SSL or TLS.

Without encryption, evolution's lookups over LDAP works just fine, no

My LDAP server is working properly, since I can use it over SSL or TLS
with both Mozilla 1.4.1 and Outlook Express 6, without problems.

According to what I see in the LDAP server logs, it seems to be some
kind of protocol negociation error:

Mar 19 13:08:20 tux03 slapd[4635]: connection_read(8): checking for
input on id=0
Mar 19 13:08:20 tux03 slapd[4635]: connection_read(8): TLS accept error
error=-1 id=0, closing
Mar 19 13:08:20 tux03 slapd[4635]: connection_closing: readying conn=0
sd=8 for close
Mar 19 13:08:20 tux03 slapd[4635]: connection_close: conn=0 sd=8

Any idea what could be wrong ?

Thanks !

Vincent Jaussaud
Kelkoo.com Security Manager 
email: tatooin kelkoo com
GPG key: 1024D/3BFE3FC7 2002-02-07

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not
have, nor do they deserve, either one."
    -- President Thomas Jefferson.    1743-1826

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