Re: [Evolution] sending urls to firefox

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 05:25, Paul Hands wrote:

I've got firefox working by a small piece of indirection : I use a
small script to invoke firefox, and I tell gconf to use that script. 
It's called moz_launcher, and it's on my path, so it's always found. 
I tell gconf to use :-

moz_launcher "%s"

Where %s is the URL passed by evolution.  I thionk you may be having
problems passing the "-remote" stuff, because, as far as I can tell,
the %s part needs to be in "" to work.  Mayne some Ximian or
scri[pting expert can shed light on this?

Here's my script:


/opt/firefox/mozilla-xremote-client "openURL($1, new-window)"

That's the whole thing. Change new-window to new-tab if you prefer.
If the arg is missing it just opens a blank window, which is OK by


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