Re: [Evolution] Backing up.

On Sun, 2004-03-07 at 19:23, D. D. Brierton wrote:

What media are you planning to back up to? Let's assume you have some
disk partition or something already mounted on your system. Then all you
have to do is this:

evolution --force-shutdown
tar -cjvf /path/to/backup/mountpoint/evolution.tar.bz2 ~/evolution ~/.gconf/apps/evolution

To restore, do this:

evolution --force-shutdown
cd ~
tar -xjvf /path/tp/backup/mountpoint/evolution.tar.bz2
Best, Darren

I also have accumulated a large number of cache folders under
~/evolution/mail/pop and pop3, which I assume can be safely cleared
before backing up?

Steven Tryon
stryon rochester rr com
ICQ 102798975

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