Re: [Evolution] Can't start Evo 1.5.9

On Sat, 2004-06-19 at 23:09 -0400, Trey Sizemore wrote:
Just installed Evo from Red Carpet on a SUSE 9.1 box that previously had 1.5.7 
installed.  Now Evo won't start.  Don't know if this is temporary with the 
latest snapshot, but I couldn't remember the command to 'shutdown' everything 
(I think it used to be killev) and try to restart.



Fire up Xterm, and run the command "evolution-1.5" does it load? if not
is there an error?

Charles localhost                        
             -+- Running Evolution 1.5.9 on SuSE 9.1 -+-

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