Re: [Evolution] Howto limit the size of emails in the sent folder.

Hi Yes it is on a shared resoure I am currently deploying  a new web
server and mailserver thus the mail server will serve Imap as well as
other useful resources.

Thanks for your reply.

On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 14:45, Ron Johnson wrote:
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 10:38 +0100, Chuck Amadi wrote:
Hi Im a SysAdmin and we've just deployed Evolution as our main MUA (
Mail User Agent).

I would like to limit the size of email messages in the sent folder
is there a property field I could access to alter this as users tend not
clear this folder up and I would like to restict this.

Is the evolution/ directory on a shared resource?  If not, why 
care about how much they keep on their own local drives?

Of course, you *could* implement IMAP.  Then, you'd have direct
control over all the email, archiving policies, etc.

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