Re: [Evolution] configuration lost in evolution 2.03

On Sun, 2004-12-26 at 22:33 +0100, jib wrote:
I installed evolution 2.03 on a clean Mdk 10.1. 
But it won't keep my settings. Evetytime i reboot the computer, the settings 
are lost (emails accounts, mail, contacts, calendar) and i get the setup 
My $HOME/evolution is ok but it's like evolution won't read it.

Do you mean .evolution?

I tried uninstalling then installing another RPM, it's all the same.
Did somebody else experience this problem ? 
Thanks for your help.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

Remember when environmental doom-and-gloomers said that it would
take 10 years to put out the 750 post-GW1 oil fires? Yet they
were all out in 6 months.
Remember when environmental doom-and-gloomers said in ~1975 that
the oil would run out in 50 years?

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