Re: [Evolution] What happened to my contact notes ?

I tried to say ;-) that some notes are missing, some got clipped and
some are ok.
I will install 1.4.6 again (thanks for the other answer) to have a more
deep understanding of what happened to my notes. My "guess" is that it
has something to do with localization.

Marco Rego
Manaus - Amazon

Em Qui, 2004-12-16 às 09:43 -0500, JP Rosevear escreveu:
On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 08:38 -0400, Marco Rego wrote:
Howdy yall!

I've just upgraded from 1.4.6 to 2.0.3 and everything seems to work but
my contact notes. I cannot see where they went to. On some contacts I
just see pieces of it under Personal Information/Notes (I think that's
it in english, I am using Brazilian Portuguese). Is this working as
planned or is it a bug ?

I'm not sure I understand, are you saying you can see all your notes but
they are hard to read or are you saying some of the notes are actually


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