Re: [Evolution] Word wrap frustrations, Evolution 1.4.4

On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:32:40PM -0600, Peter B. Steiger wrote:

It would also be nice if I could have it re-wrap long lines to fit the
margins.  Often I cut-and-paste text from other messages or external
files, and again, if the line length in the external source is > 70, it
wraps the long line and still adds a linefeed to start the next line:

I second that. This feature is present in the composer of the Pan
newsreader and I find myself using it all the time. There is even a
Squirrelmail plugin I added to my Squirrel mail setup to do that. It
would be really nice to have that in Evolution : it would definitively
beat rewrapping by hand.

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