Re: [Evolution] evolution 1.5.90 compile issues(2nd try)

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 06:53 -0500, AG wrote:
> If you really want to, go for it, no skin off our noses (or to
> paraphrase, threats hold little weight around here :).

Not a threat, but an utterance of frustration and feable plea for help ;)
Usually people do use it as a threat for some bizarre reason.

I believe that I'm almost there. The compile seems to die here:

# gleened from 'config.log' in evo 1.5.90 src tree
configure:30108: checking for evolution-data-server IDL
configure:30116: error: no

However, I do have e-d-s 0.96 installed on my system.

What do these commands do:

pkg-config --variable idldir evolution-data-server-1.0
ls -l `pkg-config --variable idldir evolution-data-server-1.0`/Evolution-DataServer.idl

If 'file not found', then there's something else wrong, it should point to where the Evolution-DataServer.idl file is, which means there's probably some e-d-s build/install issue.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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