Re: [Evolution] Importing messages from Eudora (Windows) v. 5.0 into evolution & reverse

Find any tool which converts from eudora to berkeley mailbox format (the 'standard' unix mailbox format), and then import the result.

On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 22:58 +0530, Sanjay Arora wrote:
Hi all

I am using Evolution v. 1.2.2-5, on RH 9. I want to import mails from my earlier eudora mailboxes. How to do it? Also, is there anything to do the reverse?

With best regards.

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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