[Evolution] OASIS Phase II Contact/PiM/Project Request

Hi all,

Phase I of the OASIS Open Office XML file format specification effort is coming to a close. The specification is being sent to the OASIS membership for comment and approval. And the TC is preparing to move on to Phase II issues.

As many of you know, Phase I was primarily concerned with hardening the OpenOffice (OOo) XML file specification to meet the needs of existing Office Productivity Suites. Phase II will be about extending the base specification to encompass additional areas of applications or users.

I have suggested to the TC that as part of the Phase II effort, we take on the issue of a common contact management XML schema. This would include elements relevant to PiM, project management, eMail, instant messaging, RSS, scheduling, calendar and general address book needs.

So, in hopes of assembling some measure of cooperation amongst the many communities that might have an interest in establishing a common XML format targeting a much broader range of information needs, i'm posting this request to start a dialog. With any luck, some of the communities might respond and provide us with an XML schema set we can cooperatively build on.

One of the things that was really helpful in the phase I work was that the OpenOffice.org XML file format was so thoroughly battle tested by the community. It would be great if we could pull off the same feat with a phase II effort for Contact/PiM/Project type information.

Your comments are most welcome, and thanks for the consideration,


Gary Edwards


..... The OpenStack Projects

.... OpenOffice.org Volunteer

garyedwards openoffice org <mailto:garyedwards openoffice org>

(650) 365-0899

Redwood City, California USA

About the OASIS OO Charter:

From the OO TC Charter: "In the second phase, this TC will extend the base specification to encompass additional areas of applications or users. The work of this TC in the second phase will additionally allow for the following areas:

a. enabling additional areas of application,

b. exploring new or experimental ideas for office document representation, and

c. extending the expressiveness of the format."

Hopefully the Phase I effort will prove to be the solid foundation we think it is, and with Phase II, the TC will be able to focus on next generation office productivity concerns.

Please check the TC's charter for details about the 2nd TC phase.


Public Comment List & Participation <http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/>:

mailto: comment-form oasis-open org <mailto:comment-form oasis-open org>

The TC members have already collected some topics that might be discussed in 2nd TC phase. These topics are:

- Security features (for instance digital signatures)

- Form features (for instance support of XForms functionality)

- Integration of user defined schemes (aka, “schema templates”)


     Enhanced bibliography features


     MetaData Enhancements


     Contact Management Schema

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