Re: [Evolution] RE: msg crashes evolution

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 00:13 +0200, guenther wrote:
The only disturbing difference is the bogus ">" char before the "From"
in the first line.

WTF? Just noticed while double checking, cause I received a response by
Alex. He does not see the ">" char in his source mail...

Displaying the OP attachment inline does *not* show that spurious char
for me either.

However, displaying the OP as source *does* show that char, as well as
saving the attachment *does* show it.

Summoning mailer hackers made a sorcerous Jeff appear hovering above my
monitor, whisperingly repeating the words "From Escaping" and "RFC" over
and over again...

Sorry for being such a dork. Dunno why I didn't remember this. :-/

However, that does not explain, why that char is written to disk when
saving the attachment (bug?). And it clearly does not explain the

Yes and no.

It isn't actually "From escaping" which is a two-way process.  It is
"From munging", which is a one-way process.

There are conventions for from escaping which are compatible and
reversible, but they are only conventions, and not strictly adhered to
in all implementations.  So we assume the lowest common demoninator, and
only do munging, which means we don't try to reverse it either.

I actually don't know why its being removed when you display it inline,
it should remain there too.

crashes Alex observes.

There's only way to debug crashes, and that is submit a backtrace to a
bug report, since again, it works 100% fine for me too.  It'll probably
end up being something inside gtkhtml or pango is my guess, since they
have to do a lot more work to display mail than what the mail code does,
which is just pass a bunch of opaque data to that layer.

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