[Evolution] Feature request or configuration help for LDAP searches...

Experts and developers

Before using Evolution 1.4 I used Mozilla as a mail
client. Now, I can't help noticing that when searching
my corporate LDAP service for contacts (not an address
book per-se) Mozilla does a much better job of it..for
instance. If I'm looking for John Doe, in Mozilla I
can just either type any part of the name ('John',
'Doe' or a substring) and I get results almost

Evolution doesn't seem to work that way. For starters,
an LDAP search takes waaay longer than in Mozilla. 
Second, it doesn't handle substrings very well..e.g.
If I start to type 'John' it will *probably* find
something with just the first two letters 'Jo' but
when I get to the third letter ('Joh') all the results
disappear as if Evo isn't finding *anything*.
Third, forget about using the user's last name..if I
type 'Doe' it will NEVER find anything.
Last (but not least) clicking on the "To:" button will
bring up a more "sophisticated" search window...not
so. Here, LDAP searches take even longer, sometimes up
to 5 minutes. And the results I get only show "Last
Name, Name". Here, it would be nice if more info could
be displayed, specially in a large organization
(40,000+ people) where the likeliness of two people
having same name+last name is very high.

So, is there something I can configure in Evo to make
LDAP searches more efficient? Or can this be
considered a request for Evolution improvement? :-) I
think improving this would be a great idea, specially
for really large enterprises who use LDAP as their
enterprise-wide white pages.

Thanks all!

(btw, I'm absolutely positive it's not the LDAP
server's performance, since Mozilla searches are
almost instantaneous, as well as searches with other
LDAP clients)

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