[Evolution] No sound in Evolution

I'm running Evolution 1.4 under KDE 3.1 under  SuSE Linux 8.2.

Sounds on the KDE desktop appear to work okay.  I get a sound on logging in to the desktop and also with popup dialog boxes.

I have Evolution configured to play a sound when email arrives, however, it does not play the sound when email arrives.

The sound is a .wav file.

When using the Ximian desktop, the sound plays as expected, but not under the KDE desktop.

I'm kind of clueless as to what the difference is between it playing under Ximian and not under KDE.

Does it have something to do with sound drivers?  And how do I find out?

Asa Jay

Asa Jay Laughton
Senior Engineering Support Technician
(509)891-3306 Tel
(509)891-3355 Fax

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