Re: [Evolution] Expunge Doesn't

That isn't expunging your mail, its expunging the mail you just downloaded off the server.

Try empty trash, or just 'expunge' on the given folder you're in (from the actions menu)

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 21:07 -0400, Paul Harouff wrote:
Why doesn't expunge REALLY expunge?

Every time I hit Send/Receive there is a message saying expunging
folders and the deleted messages disappear.

But I just converted my folders from mbox to maildir and THOUSANDS of
messages dating back to April reappeared and I have to delete them all

Hmm, that sounds like a bug, the flags should be kept.

over again.

Expunge is supposed to be permanent to save disk space. I don't want all
that spam to just HIDE.

Yeah it does, try the right command next time perhaps.
Alexandria, VA

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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