Re: [Evolution] How to configure time/date display format?

I agree it would be really nice to have a configurable date/time display
format, but no, it is not possible to do this now.  My main complaint
isn't that these various formats are confusing, but that they take up
too much column space that could be used for displaying a longer

Glad to hear someone else agrees, but for now we're out of luck. 
Hopefully you can get used to the format... or else submit a patch to
make it user-configurable!

Super-customizable is something Evolution is not, but it sure works well
in general.


On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 12:29, R. Steven Rainwater wrote:
I've just migrated my mail to Evolution and mostly like it but I'm still
having trouble getting a few things to work right. 

One problem is the Date format for emails. The timestamp is displayed in
a half dozen different formats depending on how old the message is. Some
include the year, some dont. Some say what day it is and some don't.
Some don't even include the time. I'm sure somebody thought it was a
cute idea but I find it highly, unbelievably, mind-bogglingly annoying.
Is there anyway to configure Evolution to use just a single, consistent
date format for all emails? I've looked through the settings dialog but
can't find any way to fix it.

Example entries from my Date column now:

Today 5:18 PM
Yesterday 12:42 AM
1.43 PM  (if it's not today or yesterday, what day is it?)
Mon 9:48 AM
Sep 03 10:46 PM
Dec 23 2002

What I'd like (this or any consistent format will do):

10 Sep 2003 17:18 
09 Sep 2003 12:42
23 Dec 2002 18:42


Eric Lambart <ximian nomeaning net>
No Meaning, Discorporate.

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