Re: [Evolution] Only 1 email adress possible in the TO: CC: AND BCC: fields? (Version 1.4.0)

Since I changed from MS Outlook to Evolution, I continued to send emails
to more than 1 person by separating the emial adresses with a semicolon
(in the adress field). Only now I encountered, that only the first
recipient was delivered. The receivers after the first ";" were ignored
- and no error message was generated. This is ugly, as I thougt these
people got my emails.

Was this a bug and is it already solved. Is there any other separation

Use a comma to separate them - a semi-colon is an Outlook thing.


Pete Biggs :{)       pete physchem ox ac uk     pete biggs chem ox ac uk
  Phone: 01865 275490 (Work)    01865 275410 (Fax)     pete biggs org uk

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