Re: [Evolution] Modify normal header?

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 19:14, guenther wrote:
there's a gconf key you can set.


set it to an int, with the following bits:

1 - show it if the message was from evolution
2 - show it for all mailers
4 - show a little ximian icon as well, if it was from evolution

so you probably just want 2.

How do I set this?  I don't recognize the path you mentioned.

As Not Zed said, use the GConf editor (obviously named 'gconf-editor')
or the command line tool:

$ gconftool-2 --set --type=int /apps/evolution/mail/display/xmailer_mask 2


Thanks to both of you, Guenther & Not Zed.  Works great.  Now if I can
just get my Summary module to stop crashing, I'd be in heaven!! :-D


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