[Evolution] Bug with customizing Task view sorting

I"m using Evo 1.4.4, and attempting to customize how my Tasks are
sorted.  So, I right-click on the header and select "Customize Current

In the dialog I "Group By..." categories.  That works.

I then "Sort..." by "Complete" ascending, and then by "Priority"
ascending.  Press OK.  The dialog confirms "Complete (Ascending),
Priority (Ascending)".  Press OK and the dialog goes away.

Looking at the tasks, they are sorted by priority, but not by
completion.  Right-click and select "Customize current view" again.

The dialog has changed to now say Sort... "Priority (Ascending)".  What
happened to also sorting by "Complete (Ascending)"?

J. Lee Dixon
Sr Software Engineer
SAIC - Celebration, FL
Joel L Dixon saic com
321.939.7917   AIM - LeeOrlando

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