[Evolution] Evolution freezing with libsoup-sslproxy runaway

Hello I wish to ask about a problem that I see Jason Frisvold and John Harlowe back in August discovered and discussed.

But I have to admit to being a little confused about the fix.
There was talk of the libgtop library.

My Evolution email client using Connector for Exchange is fairly reliably just freezing. A look at top sees libsoup-ssl-proxy running at anything from 80-99% CPU.

I can't work out what actions of mine is causing the freeze but the freeze usually turns up when I change what folder I'm looking at.

I am running the latest stuff from RedCarpet.

Another symptom is an email that is being resent to one of my co-workers over and over again. (very embarassing!)
There is nothing in the ~/evolution/..Outbox/ directory.
So this is very confusing.

Zane Gilmore, Analyst / Programmer
Information Services Section, Information Technology Dept,
University of Canterbury - Te Whare Waananga o Waitaha
Private Bag 4800,
Christchurch New Zealand  Phone +64-3-364 2987 extn 7895

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