[Evolution] Incremental Mail Backup ... almost

Hi All.

I am writing a script to back up my mail to another machine.  I've
already asked a question on this list and now see my files in mbox
format but I've got some questions about the other files in the dir.

~/evolution/local/* are a bunch of folders corresponding to the data in
tree view for Evo.  For all the mail folders in the subdirectories is an
mbox file.

I just need to concat the old messages to the new ones like so...

$> mv mbox mbox.messages_old; cat mbox.messages_old mbox.messages_new >
mbox; rm mbox.messages_*

Now when evo initializes on the remote machine (say I want to look for
an old message) will it update the other files in this directory or do I
have to do anything else?

Christopher Ness
Software Engineering IV,
McMaster University
PGP Public Key: http://nesser.homelinux.org/pgp-key/ 
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