[Evolution] Evo-1.3 Calendar Strange Behavior

Hi i am using Evo-1.3 and have some probs with the calendar.
If i click in Evolution to Calendar Evo crashes.

If i make a right-klick on Calender and say open in a new window
it works ;) 

Some suggestions? 

Also i cannot get the Overview ( downloading rdf's ) to work.
None of the Settings for changing Proxy's seem to work. 
Evo still tries to download the rdf's directly.

I am using RedHat 8.X Phoebe

  /  /  (_)__  __ ____  __    -*- If Linux doesn't have the solution,
 /  /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /              you have the wrong problem -*-
/_____/_/_//_/\___/ /_/\_\
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