Re: [Evolution] Annoying bug..

I've seen it here, but not consistently (now I can't seem to get it to
do -any- auto-completion).  Using Red Hat 9, XD2 & evolution 1.4.  I'm
using our Exchange server as an LDAP server under "Other Contacts", and
the names I was typing in were coming from that LDAP server.  It worked
fine in 1.2.  When it happens, its as if it takes the focus and won't
let go (nothing else on the desktop is selectable), but it won't accept
keyboard input or mouse clicks.


On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 11:17, Pedro Gonnet wrote:
Hello All,

Another bug for the record, or maybe it's just me...

When composing, if while typing a recipientfor which matching names show
up in the popup-menu type like thing, if the mouse is in the area
covered by this popup list, evolution hangs and doesn't let me do
anything with the mouse in other programs. I have to killev from a
console to get my computer back.

Has anybody else seen this?

 Norman Joseph, Systems Engineer           joseph ctcgsc org      IC|XC
 Concurrent Technologies Corporation         814/269.2633         --+--
 Global Systems Center                                            NI|KA

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