Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4 Editor Size


On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 16:18, guenther wrote:

As mentioned recently in here, that most likely is a font issue with non
proportional font set. Try using a proportional font.

i'm using the arial font, it is more clearly than other fonts and nice
to read.

Are you writing text/html or text/plain mail?

i assume that i writing text/plain mails.

btw: Seeing your post, you apparently do write more than ~30 chars per

yeah, evo shows(!) more than 30 chars, but i can't write more than that.
the editor breaks the line automatically . Look at the shoot.:

###### sample ########

### with white space ###

1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 12345

### with_out_white_space ####


if the line is without white spaces, the text can be longer.

evo 1.4 is strange ;-)

ps. please send the mails to the list, I'm a subscriber :-)

cu denny

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