[Evolution] Possible bug?

Running 1.3.92 (debian/unstable) there's what looks like a bug in evo.

When composing a new message the auto-complete function for the
recipient addresses wedges.  The completion list appears with the list
of possible matches, it's possible to select one of the items.  However
the drop down doesn't clear and it's impossible to get evo to do
anything else requiring the process to be killed off manually from the

Is anyone else seeing this (if they are I'll submit a bug report with
full package and library details).

The Flying Hamster <hamster korenwolf net>      http://www.korenwolf.net/
"cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum. when you have
their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow" 
 - the Great God Om

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