[Evolution] Re: Shareing a calendar

tis 2003-06-10 klockan 05.56 skrev Martin Skjöldebrand:
I want to share a calendar between two users on my box.
Running 1.3.92 I've failed to get it to work, and the mail archives
empty on the subject.

I've put the Calendar folder form ~/evolution/local/ on /opt2 and made
link to the original folder (renaming the original folder). This I did
on both accounts making sure that /opt2/evolution/local/Calendar is
chmoded 777. 

Still anything entered in one account is not viewable on the other
account. What is going on here? Anyone with any success stories?
Apparently it *does* work, kind of.
I noticed this when I rebooted my computer, and the calendar info was
seen - something apparently has to be restarted for this to work as
Anyone with info on what, and how to do it automagically?

Martin Skjoldebrand

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