Re: [Evolution] Compose window pauses

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 09:48, Vera Childs wrote:
Hi, I'm running Mandrake 9.1 with Evolution 1.2.4 (mdk rpm).

The last few weeks, I've noticed that I will intermittently get a pause
while typing a message in the compose window. I will be typing along,
and suddenly the window just locks up for a few seconds. I have to wait
for it to come back, and then it shows anything I typed during that
time. It's a wee bit annoying though. This only started recently, and
was working fine for a while when I first upgraded to this version.

Also, sometimes bringing up the Compose window will be very slow. I
think it's related. Something is periodically taking control of the
process and just locking up that window. It's happened twice while
typing this message.

I haven't seen this problem in any other program... Vi, OpenOffice, etc.
all seem to work fine.

Any ideas?



Add a line to your /etc/hosts like:       your_pc_name.yourdomain   your_pc_name

It solved the same problem in my box.
   / \\   @       __     __    @   Adolfo Bello / adolfobello bisapi com
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //    mobile: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / <_/ \__\\ //__/ //     fax   : +58 212 952-6797   //            pager : adolfobello sms com ve

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