Re: [Evolution] "we were unable to open this addressbook" with 1.4

I had the same problem the moment I upgraded to 1.4.3.
The problem is, now, I can't go back (it has converted all my data to
1.4.3 and left a ton of 1.2.x files behind to boot). 

Haven't seen any responses... does this pretty much mean we're SOL?

I'd sure like to know how to even start tracing this problem.

- Steve

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 00:07, Mr. Mailing List wrote:
I've had 1.4 for some time now, and recently changed
my main user's name to david.

i changed all the perms and stuff to be under david,
but i can no longer access my evolution contacts, even
though i can clearly see them in

-rw-rw-r--    1 david    david         40K Jul 22
23:00 addressbook.db

i can edit it with text editor and it looks like it's
ok, but i get this error now 
"we were unable to open this addressbook" 
and so on

please help me?

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